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Parking information

Constitution Place has 560 basement parking bays, 225 of which are for public access. We welcome permit holders, hotel guests and casual visitors.

  • If you're a casual visitor: Your licence plates will be recorded when you enter the car park. Pay at the boom gate when you exit. If your licence plate is unable to be read, take the ticket provided and use this to pay when you exit.
  • If you're a hotel guest: Your parking will be managed directly by hotel reception. When you arrive, park on level 2 in an unreserved space and have your ticket validated at hotel reception.
  • If you're a permit holder: You'll have a reserved car space on levels 1 or 2. License plate recognition will allow you access into the car park. An intercom button is available if you require assistance.

Accessing the car park

To enter the Constitution Place car park:

  • Turn onto Constitution Way from Constitution Avenue.
  • Turn right into the car park, and drive down the ramp.
  • Your licence plate will be read when you stop at the boom gate. If your licence plate is unable to be read, take the ticket provided and use this to pay at the boom gate where you exit.
  • Park in available car spaces on levels 1 or 2 (look for the green lights for available spaces).
  • There are three lifts from the car park: one exits to Lyric Lane, one exits to the 1 Constitution Avenue lobby and one exits to the A by Adina Hotel.
  • Pay for your parking at the boom gate when you exit.

Parking map

Day rates

Monday to Friday, 5am to 5pm

0 - 20 Mins$ 2.20
20 - 40 Mins$ 3.50
40 Mins - 1 Hour$ 4.80
1 - 1.5 Hours$ 6.50
1.5 - 2 Hours$ 8.80
2 - 3 Hours$ 12.00
3 - 4 Hours$ 14.50
4 - 5 Hours$ 16.80
5 - 6 Hours$ 20.00
6 Hours - 1 Day$ 26.00
Per 24 hours thereafter$ 35.00

Night rates

Monday to Friday, 5pm to 5am

0 - 20 Mins$ 2.00
20 - 40 Mins$ 2.00
40 Mins - 1 Hour$ 3.10
1 - 1.5 Hours$ 4.20
1.5 - 2 Hours$ 5.20
2 - 3 Hours$ 6.20
3 - 4 Hours$ 7.40
4 - 5 Hours$ 10.50
5 - 6 Hours$ 10.50
6 - 12 Hours$ 10.50
Plus overnight fee$ 12.00

Weekend and public holiday rates

Friday 5pm to Monday 5am

0 - 20 Mins$ 2.00
20 - 40 Mins$ 2.00
40 Mins - 1 Hour$ 3.10
1 - 1.5 Hours$ 4.20
1.5 - 2 Hours$ 5.20
2 - 3 Hours$ 6.20
3 - 4 Hours$ 7.40
4 - 5 Hours$ 10.50
5 - 6 Hours$ 10.50
6 Hours - 1 Day$ 10.50

For any parking related enquiries, please email